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Home > Computational Thinking > Data Structures and Algorithms
Representation of data through data types
Discuss common data types and structures:
Write a blog post about ‘Why programming require different data types”
Data types in different languages
Learn briefly about following 3 languages and create ‘hello world’ applications using each of the language. This is in preparation of writing code snippets required to learn data types.
Discuss data types of following languages:
Hint: Create an AWS account and setup Cloud9 online IDE environment if students do not have local installations of the required frameworks.
Make following programs (e.g. command line) to use different types of variables.
Data Structures
Create a StackOverFlow account (if not existing) and answer minimum 3 questions related to data types (e.g. data type conversions) in programming.
Common algorithms in programming - part 1
Watch the video and get a brief understanding of the importance of algorithms:
Discuss the need of common algorithms in programming. There is no need to teach the internals of these algorithms. Practical uses and scenarios are more important to understand at this stage. Discuss why each of the mentioned algorithm is useful. Provide examples of situations where these algorithms are in use.
Write 3 code snippets to demonstrate use of each of above algorithms using any language. Use already existing data structures in the language. Student does not need to write the algorithm itself, but should learn to use the existing data structures that support the algorithms. Use Cloud9 IDE.
Common algorithms in programming - part 2
Discuss the need of common algorithms in programming. There is no need to teach the internals of these algorithms. Practical uses and scenarios are more important to understand at this stage. Discuss why each of the mentioned algorithm is useful. Provide examples of situations where these algorithms are in use.
Write 3 code snippets to demonstrate use of each of above algorithms using any language. Use already existing data structures in the language. Student does not need to write the algorithm itself, but should learn to use the existing data structures that support the algorithms. Use Cloud9 IDE.
MCQ assessment (~20 Questions) verifying the understanding of the students in proper use of algorithms. Preferably use a gamified assessment tool such as Kahoot.