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Home > Industry Knowledge > Software Lifecycle
Lifecycle of Software Development
Do an introduction to the fundamental process of SDLC to set the stage for the knowledge students will gain later in this module:
Discuss the main topics from:
Familiarize Traditional Flavours of SDLC
Complete the Week 2 of the following free course on Coursera before coming to class:
Discuss the traditional models of software development process from:
Complete the rest of the weeks of the above same course on Coursera to learn followings:
Familiarize Agile and Lean Flavours of SDLC
Learn and try to get familiar with common usage of Agile as explained in this video before coming to class:
Discuss the agile and lean models of software development process from:
Write a Whitepaper (~200 Words) regarding one of the following topics. In the article, include the reference as citation content.
MCQ assessment (~20 Questions) verifying the understanding of the students in purpose and terms of SDLC. Preferably use a gamified assessment tool such as Kahoot.
How Software Design fits into the SDLC
Complete the Week 1 and Week 2 of the following free course on Coursera before coming to class:
Complete the rest of the weeks of the above same course on Coursera to learn followings:
Software Design in the Context of SDLC
Discuss the techniques of software design from:
Write a Whitepaper (~200 Words) regarding modern software design techniques used by Billion Dollar Companies. In the article, include the reference as citation content.
Software Design
MCQ assessment (~20 Questions) verifying the understanding of the students in purpose and terms of software design in the context of SDLC. Preferably use a gamified assessment tool such as Kahoot.