SLASSCOM Bootcamp Curriculum

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Home > Industry Knowledge > User Experience and UX Design

Topic: User Experience and UX Design

  1. Lesson: Introduction to User Experience
  2. Lesson: User Research
  3. Lesson: Analyze and Identify User Problems
  4. Lesson: Ideate for Solution
  5. Lesson: Prototyping and Visual Design
  6. Lesson: Test and Iterate
  7. Lesson: Some Instruction to Continue learning
  8. Assessment: Assessment

Lesson 1

Introduction to User Experience

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

Journey into UX design
What Is UX Design? - A Full Overview
What Is UX Design?
What is UI vs. UX Design?

Lecture content

This lesson will provide an “Introduction to User Experience” by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

Identify and provide example which demostrate scenarios of good user experience or bad user experience.

Describe the reasoning behind your answer.

Lesson 2

User Research

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

Uncovering Users' Mental Mode
What Is UX Research, And What's Its Purpose?
The UX Research Methods Every Designer Needs To Know
The Top 10 UX Research Tools You Need For User Research

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss about “User Research” by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

Your company has asked your team to draft a design for a new Food Delivery mobile app similar to PickMe or UberEats. But, before starting the design, your team has decided to perform a user research for this.

  1. Who are the users that you can think of in this scenario?
  2. Select one user type and prepare a survey to distribute for them.

Lesson 3

Analyze and Identify User Problems

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

How To Conduct UX Research Analysis (UX Design Guide)
Creating Personas for User Experience Research
What is an Empathy Map?
Customer Journey Map Workshop

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss how to analyze findings from user research and identify user problems by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

After the survey you have performed for your Food Delivery app, now you are planning on preparing a Persona and User Journey Map for the user that you have selected in the previous lesson.

  1. Draft a persona for the selected user.
  2. Prepare a User Journey Map for the same user.

Lesson 4

Ideate for Solution

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

What is UX Ideation?
Design Thinking: Ideate
Six Creative Ways To Brainstorm Ideas
Brainstorming Techniques: How to Innovate in Groups

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss process of ideation for solution by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

In the preparation of designing your Food Delivery app, list down three different purposes that your users required to achieve out of your app.

Lesson 5

Prototyping and Visual Design

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

Design Thinking: Prototype
Prototyping Why What and How for developers
Intro to Figma - Beginners guide to Figma Basics
Adobe XD Basics | Top 10 Things to know when getting started
Fundamentals of visual design

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss about “Prototyping and Visual Design” by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

Design the login page and the menu page of your Food Delivery app and provide the design. Sketch drawn in a paper would be enough. But, if you prefer you could produce it using Figma or Adobe XD.

Lesson 6

Test and Iterate

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Learn and try to get familiar with content explained in below videos before coming to class.

Usability testing
Usability Testing Tips & Tools: Powerful UX Research Method
Usability Testing w. 5 Users
Usability Test Demo by Steve Krug

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss about “Usability Testing” by discussing below sub topics.

Lab and tutorials

Look at the purposes that you have listed in the answer of Lesson 4. Try to achieve these purpose using either PickMe or UberEats. List down your findings.

  1. What works as you expected
  2. What did not work as you expected

Lesson 7 - Optional

Some Instruction to Continue learning

Self Learning Duration
Lecture Duration
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Lecture content

This lesson will discuss about how they can continue mastering the knowledge and skills required as UX Designer.

Lab and tutorials


User Experience and UX Design MCQ assessment (~20 Questions) verifying the understanding of the students in importance of UX and knowledge in “UX Design Process”. Preferably use a gamified assessment tool such as Kahoot.