SLASSCOM Bootcamp Curriculum

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Home > Life Skills for 21st Century

Module: Life Skills for 21st Century

Skills and attitude required for a winning career.

12 weeks
Lectures and Self Learning
16 hours
Self Learning
0 hours
Tutorials and Labs
30 hours


Do you want to learn the 21st century skills employers are looking for today? These were called soft-skills in the past, but they are now called ‘core-skills’ due to the importance. THese skills are a must for you to build a career towards leadership and management.


  1. General English
  2. Communication
  3. Positive Attitude
  4. Making it Happen
  5. Emotional Intelligence
  6. Time Management

Learning Outcomes

The key objective of the program is to equip top performing students of the Future Careers BRIDGE program with soft-skills that are essential in order to be employable in the industry. Additionally, this program aims to assist students and boost their level of confidence to face interviews which will be held at the latter stages of the program.