Contributed by the IT industry as a guidance to educational institutes.
This project is maintained by SLASSCOM
Home > Mobile Application Development > Mini Project
Goal of the mini project is give expose students to building a complete mobile app from the scratch. This is a group assessment with ideal size of 3 students per group.
Build of the application is iteratively supported through Tutorial/Lab in each lesson. However students are suppose to add additional effort to complete the application outside designated Tutorial steps and time allocation.
Tutorial / Lab section of each lesson makes incremental milestone to the project. These increments aligns with learnings from each lesson.
Lecture should come up with marking scheme for the application based on milestones. It is up to the lecture to award mark in incremental basis or evaluate the final product.
As per derived marking scheme each milestones could carry a portion of marks. Total marks for the Mini Project is 60 marks (out of 100 for the module).