SLASSCOM Bootcamp Curriculum

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Home > Web Application Development > CSS: Styling the Web

Topic: CSS - Styling the Web

  1. Lesson: CSS Basics
  2. Lesson: CSS Box model
  3. Lesson: CSS Layout & Techniques
  4. Assessment: Style static web pages for an online store

Lesson 1

CSS Basics

Self Learning Duration
90 mins
Lecture Duration
120 mins lectures
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content

Lecture content

Demonstrate how to use following CSS concepts

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 2

CSS Box model

Self Learning Duration
90 mins
Lecture Duration
120 mins
Lab Tutorial Duration

Self learning content


Lecture content

Demonstrate how to use following CSS concepts

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 3

CSS Layout & Techniques

Self Learning Duration
90 mins
Lecture Duration
120 mins
Lab Tutorial Duration
240 mins

Self learning content


Lecture content

Lab and tutorials

Follow Style a CV using CSS from @mozilla

Assessment 1

Style static web pages for an online store

Use CSS and Bootstrap Front-end framework to improve static web pages created on HTML: Structuring the Web assessment