SLASSCOM Bootcamp Curriculum

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Home > Working with Data > Introduction to database systems

Module: Working with Data

Topic: Introduction to database systems

  1. Lesson: What is data & overview on Databases
  2. Lesson: Why not traditional file systems (Discussion points)
  3. Lesson: High level introduction to modern databases

Lesson 1

What is data & overview on Databases.

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

In this section we are going to discuss about data and why it’s very important in nowadays. Discuss about how data is being storing and then moving to the database systems.

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 2

Why not traditional file systems (Discussion points)

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Discuss about how data can be store. Discuss about the legacy ways of storing data and the modern technologies about how these days we are storing data.

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 3

High level introduction to morden databases

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Briefly introduced currently available modern database technologies and use cases of them.

Lab and tutorials
