SLASSCOM Data Analytics Curriculum

Diploma level curriculum as a guidance to educational institutes.

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Home > Introduction to Python > Python Fundementals

Module: Introduction to Python

Topic: Python Fundementals

  1. Lesson: Why Python as a programming langauge
  2. Lesson: Interpreters & dynamic programming
  3. Lesson: Programming basics & types
  4. Lesson: Expressions
  5. Lesson: Controlling program flow
  6. Lesson: Conditions & exception handling
  7. Lesson: Loops & iterations
  8. Lesson: Coding stanadards & best practices

Lesson 1

Why Python as a programming langauge

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
20 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Basic introduction to Python and why to use Python

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 2

Interpreters & dynamic programming

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
15 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Introducing ipython console and dynamic nature

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 3

Programming basics & types

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Types and how each type works.
Inputs & casting.
Simple outputs.

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 4


Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
60 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Different kind of expressions.
Variables and constants.

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 5

Controlling program flow - Inputs & outputs on console

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

High level overview on the flow of a program and introducing different statements to set the foundation for the next lesson

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 6

Conditions & exception handling

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
120 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

If conditions, case statements.
Exception handling.

Lab and tutorials

Building a simple loan interst calculator (handling user inputs, type casting, handling exceptions and string formated outputs)

Lesson 7

Loops & iterations

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
120 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

For loop, while loop.
Using while loop to keep the interactive shell active to create a small program to interact with user. (If user ask to quite it should quite if not it will print or do some calculations inside a loop)

Lab and tutorials


Lesson 8

Coding stanadards & best practices

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
30 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Theortical lesson on variable naming, pep-8, and sensible comments

Lab and tutorials
