SLASSCOM Data Analytics Curriculum

Diploma level curriculum as a guidance to educational institutes.

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Home > Introduction to Python > Collections

Module: Introduction to Python

Topic: Collections

  1. Lesson: Lists & Tuples
  2. Lesson: Dictionaries
  3. Lesson: Comprehensions & assignement

Lesson 1

Lists & Tuples

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
90 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Building lists and working with Lists.
Building up a price series

Lab and tutorials

Build stock market price series.

Lesson 2


Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
90 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

Working with dictionaries.
Creating and manpulating of a dictionary which has stock tickers and corresponding prices

Lab and tutorials

Refer colombo stock exchange prices and create a dictionary which has ticker as the key and values (last traded, volume, open ) as a list. Create a function which would accept a ticker and print all stock realted information.

Lesson 3

Comprehensions & assignement

Self Learning Duration
30 mins
Lecture Duration
60 mins

Self learning content

Lecture content

List, Dict comprehensions and how to effectively write loops.

Lab and tutorials

Building a small program to construct a portfolio using a dictonary.